THREE Events – ONE night!

Monday, November 30th:   Three things – ONE NIGHT!  
7:00 pm at Victory Hill Offices – 4334 Victory Street.  Interpreters provided

1.      Presentation for parents on deaf youth (deaf/hard of hearing) in sports by Kim Sanderson
2.      DYT 2009 Hornby 2009 DVD – highlights of the 2009 Summer Camp
3.      FNDC AGM

Come on BC youth – get involved in competitive deaf sports.  You can represent Canada and have the BEST time!

Presentation by Kim Sanderson (mom of an athlete)

Upon returning from the Deaflympics in September 2009, I was saddened that only one BC youth was on the Canadian team.  As a past coach of both a deaf baseball and basketball team, and sports enthusiastic who knows a lot of deaf youth, I know we have the talent!!  What I believe we are missing is inspiration, guidance, and some direction.  There are some incredible opportunities coming up for deaf youth in Canada and internationally – and after experiencing Taipei Deaflympics – I know that our youth would benefit so much from such an incredible experience!
So I’ve developed a short presentation that shows highlights from the recent Deaflympics, provides inspiration, outlines some future events and gives some information on how to get involved.    It attempts to give some idea of the differences between Canadian Deaf Sports Association (CDSA) and B.C. Deaf Sports Federation (BCDSF) and help educate you on the road that needs to be travelled to get to a deaf competition such as the Deaflympics (I managed the BC Volleyball team and it was very confusing to me at times).  I since have learned a lot and am happy to share it with others.   It takes about 20 minute to present.  This is something I’d love to present to parents, youth and educators in the hope it will get many more young BC’ers on the Canadian 2013 Deaflympic team heading to Greece!  

(deaf sports opportunities are for all deaf/hard of hearing youth with a 55 db hearing loss – signing or oral)

Note: to deaf youth, educators, out of town folks: If you are unable to attend, I am open to presenting at another opportunity. Please let me know.  My time and presentation are free!  I am representing no group or organization when I deliver this; however B.C. Deaf Sports Federation (BCDSF) has seen it and both Canadian Deaf Sports Association (CDSA) and BCDSF have helped me with some information included in it.   If you want Cole to present, you probably have to pay for the costs to get him home from UVIC in Victoria!  You can email me at  with any details of an upcoming opportunity.

Also on the same night ….
Come and watch the hightlights of DYT Hornby Island 2009!  and Thank you to Forrest Smith!!
On Monday night (November 30th), Forrest will share with us a short dvd of Hornby Island 2009.  We want to say a big THANK YOU to Forrest Smith for his hard work and dedication to the Deaf Youth Today program for the past 3 years.   Forrest has decided not to continue with DYT in 2010.  Come and show your support for what Forrest has done for our deaf youth for the past three years!  
FNDC’s Annual General Meeting (same night, hopefully you stay for the AGM)
Members in good standing are all members who have paid their annual membership for 2009/2010.  Voting members are parents or legal guardians that have been a parent or foster parent of a deaf or hard of hearing child, youth or adult.

FNDC annual membership:  Reminder, if you have not sent in your membership payment – you may do so online  or print the page and send via regular mail.  Your membership sends us a message that you believe in the work that we are doing and information you are receiving! 


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