GVAD’s workshop on Nov 22nd, “Why do we need DI?”



Kim: Hello, Kim here and

Chris: Chris here, as Vice President

Kim: We are here to let  you all know about our AGM and workshop, as you all know every year we always have workshop and AGM in one same day, This year both of them are being seperated, which the workshop will be happening this Thursday, Nov 22nd. The workshop topic will be why do we need DI (Deaf Interpreter) and what our rights to request for DI. The reason why the board picked this topic, is that we noticed this pops up in our community, thinking that DI is for only for DeafBlind, which are not true.

Chris: No,No. ( shakes his head)

Kim: Actual its not true, Anyone of us you, Chris, anyone can  ask for DI, have every right to ask for DI.  This will happen on Nov 22, from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm. Which will be Live Streamed for BC. We will have two other groups. One  in OVAD’s area, and one in Vancouver Island at their IDHHC new building.at the same time 6;30 pm to 8;30 pm. One exception for OVAD, they will have Dinner gathering 5:30 pm before the workshop live streaming starts. If you are interested in OVAD’s, please contact Gordon Rattray for that information.

The presenter is Tim Mallach, with his over 10 years of working in Deaf Interpreter field, from Ontario which you all know.  He has different experience in interpreting in many different situations. He will be doing the presentation and we would be also doing group discussions, For our location here in Greater Vancouver, we will be in Douglas College, New Westminister  Campus. The groups on Vancouver Island and OVAD will have their own discussions, We all will be able to share our group discussions on Live Streaming and for those who are living up  north, they can still participate in the discussion and asking question, we will have someone sit by the Ipad and watch for questions and then Tim will be able to answer questions. Watch for our live streaming on GVAD Facebook. We all can openly discussion on the DI which is for whole province of BC.

Kim: Hope to see you all there!


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